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Covid Lockdown in Mexico Has Caused 9.2% Increase In Homicides of Women

Covid Lockdown in Mexico Has Caused 9.2% Increase In Homicides of Women

So liberals will have you believe that the lock-down in the U.S. and other countries is our patriotic duty. However, they forget that people need to pay their bills and feed their families. With only less than .02% death rate, 99 percent of the worlds has been on lock-down to “save lives”. However, the consequences were never considered on what stay at home orders would do to people. There have been equal amount of deaths if not more caused by lock-down orders. For example, how many people have died of additions since areas of help like councilors and rehab units are considered non-essential. We have seen large increases in suicides, child molestation, murders, spousal  abuse, rape and other heinous acts.

In Mexico for example, they are seeing a 9.2% increase in female homicides. In just the first half of 2020, Mexico has seen 17,982 female homicides.

Experts have stated that increased confinement of families to their homes have increased killings of women. The statistics are proving them right.

Some had hoped the lock-down would limit the drug gang activity, but that has not occurred. Jalisco cartel leader Nemesio “El Mencho” Oseguera has been growing in power and recent videos expose his training camps that are arming cartel members with armored vehicles, anti aircraft weapons and grenade launchers.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policy of avoiding direct confrontation with the cartels has only allowed them to grow in strength. He has only discussed ways to address social problems like poverty and unemployment that he says contribute to crime. Officials reported a 12.1% increase in street-level drug-dealing cases during the first six months of the year as a result of the lock-down and Obrador’s lack of confronting cartels.

We here at AmericaAgainstHollywood knew this would happen. We see this in the United States but now we are seeing in other countries like Mexico. Lock-downs are only causing more tensions as people are confined to their homes in close proximity to family members who abuse.  We are also seeing families unable to pay bills or rent or most importantly, buy food. With no work, people are resorting to crime. But more importantly, we are seeing women and children being impacted the most. They are the true victims of this lock down.

It might be only a matter of time before the people of Mexico say “enough!” and riots spread to their cities.



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