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Gold Star Award: Elon Musk For His Fight Against California Tyranny

Gold Star Award: Elon Musk For His Fight Against California Tyranny

This week we award Elon Musk for standing up against Gavin Newsome (aka Gavin Nuisance)and the Sacramento Nazi’s who want to tax everything and give it to people to buy their votes and keep them in power. They also are drunk on their power and relish in taking away the freedom of California businesses and citizens. The more they control, the drunker they get.

So a hero has stepped forward to take them to court. He has boundless amounts of cash and can bankrupt California (more than they already are) by keeping them in the courts as they try to fight his lawsuit. That hero is Elon Musk who has finally taken the “red pill” and realized the extreme socialism in the California government that is taking away more and more freedoms each day. Elon has not always been a conservative but what made him switch? It was when California deemed his business empire non essential and put most of his employees out of work. A great big thank you to a man who’s hard work and money has flooded California coffers with vast amounts of tax revenue, mainstreamed electric cars that are everywhere on the road and protecting the environment, planned to build underground freeways that would work to ease the state with the worst traffic jams in the nation but was shut down by environmentalists (Note, he has moved his idea to Las Vegas instead and is scheduled to open early next year). Yet Gavin Newsome sits on his throne and tries to control the masses by determining what is essential and not essential without any facts or science.

Some will argue that lock down orders might work however, of Newsome’s state’s Chinese virus cases, over half are from nursing homes where those individuals were locked down and did not leave the facilities. Additionally, most of those nursing homes are state run which is why we should have competition among the private sector and not more big government. Now we are finding that Newsome is planning to give money to illegals but yet shut down nursing homes for veterans.

Newsome and his brown-shirts in Sacramento are oblivious to the fact that the stay at home order is hurting and killing more citizens than Covid.

Here are just a few examples:

Alcoholism and drug use is up dramatically.

Spouse abuse is at its highest levels in decades.

Child molestation is up dramatically.

Suicide rates have increased.

Citizens are essentially starving and going bankrupt unable to pay bills due to being out of work.

Tax revenue is strikingly low and is impacting essential infrastructure and programs.

… and many more state casualties of the lock down to numerous to list.

Kind of hard for those pushing for business to stay closed and for the people to stay at home.

Elon has awaken to the democrat evils of socialism and #walkedaway. This week, not only did he announce his lawsuit, he also posted to twitter for all to “take the red pill”

He was supported by many such as Ivanka Trump but also met with Hollywood vitriol. One of those Hollywood elitists is non other than the creator of the Matrix which “red pill” is referenced, Lilly Wachowski. Her response of “F*&$ both of you Elon and Ivanka)”. Her response though proves exactly why everyone should take the red pill and not listen to Hollywood haters and hypocrites such as Lilly Wachowski (aka Lilly Wackjob).

We only hope that he continues his fight until freedom rings yet again. For his efforts, America Against Hollywood awards Elon the Gold Star Award.

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