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Green New Deal Will Cost Some Serious Green

Green New Deal Will Cost Some Serious Green

Key swing states will be impacted the most!

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

Celebrities and Liberal politicians have been drinking the cool-aid offered by Bernie Sanders and AOC as they offer their snake oil program, The Green New Deal. Both Bernie and AOC give little detail on what the green new deal would include other than it would eliminate fossil fuels, stop the keystone pipeline, get rid of commercial cattle farms, tax the rich, eliminate shipping and logistics in America as we know it, etc. Most of the ideas would collapse our economy just on what they want to ban. However, it is now determined that the cost alone would bankrupt all Americans and send us back to the dark ages.

A recent study by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Power the Future released a study on Wednesday found the first year of the Green New Deal would cost households in key battle ground states about $75,000. When the average American income is well below that figure, it does not take a rocket scientist that it simply can not be sustained. The battleground states that were mentioned in the study as being impacted are as follows: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. A majority of those states are even further below the national average for income levels. Even if the citizens of those states gave their entire incomes to the Green New Deal program, it would not be enough let alone the families would not have any money left to survive on.

The report mentions that there would be some astronomical costs involved with the Green New Deal. The authors mentioned that even with the numbers provided in the report, they did not include all the costs associated as they have yet to be determined. Their report excluded such items as retrofitting commercial and residential buildings. It would also eliminate America’s current energy industry which would cause economic collapse almost immediately. To put that into perspective, just look at what 911 did to the economy. We are also seeing empty shelves in America’s stores currently due to the Corona virus hitting China so hard. With their quarantine of so many cities, it is virtually stopping all shipments to the United States. By the way, it is more important now than ever to buy products made in America. We can now see how something as simple as a virus can impact shipped goods to our country from China.

According to the American Action Forum who also completed a study recently, the Green New Deal would cost more than $94 trillion dollars. They estimate the average household cost to be $600.000 rather than $75,000 under the previous mentioned study.

I don’t know about you but I can honestly say that my family could not afford either price tag for the Green New Deal. For those of you listed in the 10 states above and all remaining states, Make sure to take this into consideration when voting in November. We simply cannot afford this program.




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