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How come Hollywood is so quick to label Islamophobes but they don’t admit they are Christianophobes?

How come Hollywood is so quick to label Islamophobes but they don’t admit they are Christianophobes?

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

OK to begin with, Islamophobe is not even a real word except with Urban Just one that Celebrities like Joy Boring, I mean Joy Behar like to call individuals who are against radical Islam. Funny how these same celebs wouldn’t even be where they are today if they lived in a country with Islam as the main religion. Joy would have to wear a burka, would not be allowed to speak against the government, would have most likely experienced female genital mutilation (FGM) first hand, would not be allowed to be in a room alone with a man and would really experience religious extremism first hand. No, they loosely like to use the term Islamophobe to describe Republicans only.

You see, when Democrats criticized Islam prior to Obama being in office, it was OK. However, when Obama entered office and started bowing to Islamic leaders, giving Iran a deal that would give them nukes, it suddenly became taboo to criticize crazed Islamic leaders. On a side note, does anyone remember in the 70’s when Democrats where anti-nuclear anything? What happened to them when Obama allowed for Iran to pursue uranium enrichment and eventually allow for them to acquire nukes under the highly secretive and might I add illegal nuclear deal? Obama released funding to Iran even though that was frozen under legal sanctions due to many things such as Iran holding our Americans hostage and funding terrorist acts around the globe. Suddenly, Hollywood, including many Jewish stars like Barbara Streisand started calling anyone who legitimately criticized Obama, as a Islamophobe. Even democrats who once gave lengthy speeches in the evil of Extreme Islamic leaders began to call others who criticized Obama as Islamophobes.

However, when is the last time that Hollywood called anyone a Christianophobe? Never! You see,
Christianity has been attacked by Hollywood since it began back in the late 1800’s. The first flip-book type movies in old nickelodeon machines started showing progressive movies. They were extreme for their times. They often broke taboo by showing sexual innuendos and other things that were anti-religious. However, it was the U.S. constitutional that was based on Christianity that gave Hollywood a freedom of speech guarantee to make fun of religion, criticize it and attack it. I guarantee you that no such Islamic document from any government allows for the same freedom.

Now, I do enjoy a great movie. I am no prude. I can enjoy a movie that pushes boundaries. But I do not understand how Hollywood criticizes anyone who is a Christian but defends radical Islamist’s who detest the very lifestyle that Hollywood elites live.

There was a period in the 40’s and 50’s where stars embraced Christianity. Most likely to get around the early censorship boards but they did none the less. However, today’s stars openly attach Christianity. Not all of them but most of them. If you are a Christian in today’s Hollywood, you can kiss your career goodbye unless you are extremely successful at the box office. The key is to not “come out” as a Christian until you are a success. If you do it before, you will never make it unless you are promoted by an independent studio like PureFlix and others. Movies like God’s Not Dead or Unplanned are huge successes for independent releases and inching their way into Hollywood and stealing their grip on the market but none have yet to enter the top 10 of all-time box-office earnings. This is mainly due to the image that its not cool to be a Christian which is driven by Hollywood stars, studios and elites.

That is all changing. Christian stars are starting to emerge, and they are taking America by storm. If you notice, some of the most successful movies over the last few years are family friendly movies. Not the movies that ridicule Christianity. Even Christian TV shows are showing success. Shows like “Last Man Standing” with Tim Allen and “Duck Dynasty” with Phil Robertson and family. Hollywood should take a hint.

Most stars today think they must jump on the bandwagon and criticize Christianity. They often take on roles as stuffy Christians who are no fun. They even play roles where killers are some sort of crazed religious Christian nut jobs. However, do you ever notice that it is the opposite? It is typically those who have turned from religion in this world end up being killers. Additionally, Hollywood never goes after crazed extreme members of Islam. They often even defend them by saying America did them wrong, so it is no wonder why they attack. For those celebrities that take this stance, America should provide them with a visa and send them on a paid one way flight over to certain areas of Pakistan, Somalia, Iran, Yemen or Syria and see how long they would last. Loud mouths like Barbara Streisand and Joy Behar would not last two minutes.

If you believe that Hollywood is not attacking Christianity, pay attention during your next TV show or movie. You will notice how often it occurs. When is the last time you ever saw a movie about a Imam fighting a child possessed by the devil like the Exorcist or Omen? When do you see a comedy making fun of Allah or a skit about Islamic followers on Saturday Night Live? Not very often or not at all. SNL has made fun of Jesus many times. Most recently they had a skit called “Djesus Uncrossed” in which Jesus is portrayed in a Quintin Tarantino style movie taking a violent revenge on those who did him wrong. With all of the religions out there today, you only see Hollywood go after Christians. In other words, Hollywood is full of Christianophobes but they are never called out on it.

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