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How comfortable is Harvey’s Casting Couch?

How comfortable is Harvey’s Casting Couch?

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

Harvey Weinstein, the mega Hollywood producer, studio executive and source of major donor dollars to politicians like Hillary Clinton is now acting in his own real-life drama.

More than 87 women and counting have come forward to bring this mogul down and hold him
accountable for his abusive casting couch ways. The large number of women coming forward is
considered to be the start of the “me too” movement and is staggering. Some claims go as far back as

Harvey has been accused of abuse by many A-list celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow,
Ashley Judd, Rosanna Arquette, Kate Beckinsale, Heather Graham, Daryl Hannah, Salma Hayek and many more. Obviously, Harvey’s casting couch also travels around the world as women come forward in New York, L.A., London, Italy and other cities.

Now he is taking lessons from all the actors he mentored over the years. He is now acting like his life
depends on it. He has taken to such theatrics as using a walker when appearing in court to hopefully
influence the judge and jury even though he is only 67 years old. He is slouched over when sitting in the courtroom, faint of voice, wearing baggy clothes to appear to be losing weight. All classic aspects that an actor uses to engage an audience. One can guarantee though, if Harvey is acquitted, he will be jumping for joy like he won a pie eating contest (no pun intended). He has brought on the crocodile tears saying all sex was consensual. Sound familiar? It also sounds like Bill Clinton who, along with his wife Hillary, are very close in friendship. Remember a red-faced and defiant Bill Clinton saying “I did not have sex with THAT woman” only to admit later he had? The only difference is that we do not yet know if Harvey visited Jeffry Epstein’s Island on the Lolita Express.

However, his bad acting seems to be having the reverse effect from those who have been in the
courtroom. The word is that his over acting is on full display. Watch this Inside Edition video and you decide. Perhaps he should contact some of the directors he has worked with over the years to learn some tips. Maybe he could even work with another friend, Oprah Winfrey to rebuild his image. Where are all the of the former directors and friends of his speaking out? Most are saying they never knew which is hard to believe since it was often brought up at cocktail parties hosted by those in the industry. It’s more likely they turned the other cheek just believing it is a way of Hollywood business. Ironic that most of these liberal celebs claim to be standing for women’s rights.

By the way, when is the last time you heard of a republican actor, producer or director being accused by so many women of being sexually abused or demanding a visit to a casting couch? You don’t hear
anything about icons like Clint Eastwood. Just food for thought. Yes, men and even women of all
backgrounds and political parties, have made inappropriate sexual advances towards others since the dawn of time. However, we have never seen the likes of someone like Harvey Weinstein. Especially from someone who is a mega donor to the democratic party while preaching to the common American to cut emissions, support the green new deal, so give up your right to bear arms, raise taxes, etc. Obviously,another example of someone who says do as I say but not as I preach. Here are a few ironic quotes that Harvey uttered over the years that will make you sick to your stomach.

“I came of age in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different.
That was the culture then.” – Harvey Weinstein

“I wanted to do something inspirational for my children” – Harvey Weinstein

“Though I am trying to be better, I know I have a long way to go.” – Harvey Weinstein

“I am a benevolent dictator”. – Harvey Weinstein

“Roman Polanski is a man who cares deeply about his art and its place in this world. What happened to him on his incredible path is filled with tragedy, and most men would have collapsed. Instead, he became a great artist and continues to make great films.” – Harvey Weinstein

One must wonder why it took so long for anyone to come forward. Was the casting couch that
comfortable? This was not one or two women but over 87 now. The quick answer is that most of these accusers valued their career over their integrity. Most of these women claim to be feminists however, they kept quiet to further their career. I am not blaming the victims but why couldn’t they be more like Pam Anderson and only meet people like Harvey with their manager and not go to a hotel room for a private casting call? Especially if they answer the door in just a robe. Sorry, many of us have been sexually harassed at one point or another in our life. You learn from others and from experience. You stand for your rights and demand better, If you have experienced abuse or know of someone who has, you learn to never put yourself in a situation that would allow it to occur in the first place. If it hurts your career by turning down sleaze balls like Harvey, you move to other offers or you move on to another career. Especially since the last 30 years have brought many powerful women directors that would view your career on its merits not if you would visit a casting couch in order to get the role. Sorry, no career is worth putting up with harassment. There were some who incredible women who did speak out but they were ignored by the media and silenced by other powers in the industry. Those women were very brave unlike the others who stayed silent. It wasn’t until a New York Times and New Yorker reported on it that it was brought to light. Again, we are not blaming anyone but just think if one of the early victims had gone to the authorities, a majority of the other 80 women would have been saved from harassment. After all, this is not the 1940’s where studio heads were more powerful than they are today with the unions in place to protect women such as the Screen Actors Guild and others. In today’s times with phone technology, why are people not recording their interactions with others in situations where they are unsure it might be safe? These are all lessons that all of us should learn going forward.

So, to all those who think that Harvey was brilliant or was a good individual, we ask, did you still think his couch was comfortable? To those who were his true victims and took a stand against him by speaking out early, it was not, by any means, comfortable. As for Harvey, lets see if he is nominated for best actor his year at the Academy Awards for his role in the court room trying to discredit all his victims. Apparently, he might be also qualified for a nomination for a lifetime achievement award for all of the casting calls he held over the years.

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