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New Idea For Those Who Want to Re-Write History

New Idea For Those Who Want to Re-Write History

Isn’t it ironic that the leaders of the democrat party such as Nancy Pelosi and the democrat minions like BLM,  Antifa and even Hollywood want to re-write history by erasing their racist past. They want to tear down anything related to slave owners such as statues, buildings with names associated to past slave owners, destroy movies like Gone With the Wind. However, what they are not tellilng you, it is that they were a significant part of racism. For example, Nancy Pelosi’s father dedicated a confederate statue of Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee while serving as Baltimore’s Mayor in 1948.

There is a great quote that says “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it – Edmund Burke.” It has been said in many similar versions but they are very similar in wording. Basically, if history is forgotten or in worst cases, erased all together, we are doomed to repeat it. The democrats want to tear down statues to eliminate the very acknowledgment that someone who was considered influential in history (good or bad) should not be cast as a statue. It’s sad enough that the many Americans especially the younger millennial generation, do not even know facts or figures from history as it is. If we eliminate all records (written, media documented or cast in bronze), we will forget what occurred in the past. Then history will most likely repeat itself. This is exactly what Hitler did in Germany. He eradicated any evidence of past history before he came to power and then rewrote it to fit his agenda. That is why he burned books.

Fast forward and Nancy Pelosi, even with her racist family past, is trying to eliminate history of the crimes of the democratic party in a pandering move to attract the black (and other ethnicities such as Native Americans) votes. She has pushed to remove 12 statues from the capital building.

Rand Paul recently tweeted a brilliant response to Pelosi’s drive to remove confederate statues. He basically points out that 9 of the 11 statues she wants removed where statues honoring those where were leaders in the democrat party. The other two were leaders who registered under no party affiliation at the time. One of those, Robert E. Lee reportedly joined the democrat party after the Civil War to stop punitive measures by republicans to make the south pay for reconstruction.

It is note worthy that it was also a democratic controlled congress who voted to commision the statues and have them installed in the capital grounds. Many who have dependents in the democratic party today such as Pelosi herself. You can read a list of who has been immortalized in bronze in the capital here. You might think wow that is great that the dems are trying to correct their awful mistakes of the past. However, if they really wanted to do that, they should enact legislation that unites the country rather than divide and rewrite history to pander.

After all, hundreds of years from now, perhaps the future citizens of the United States might consider the democrats of our time as racists. Should they erase any mentioning of Nancy or others? We at say in jest, we certainly hope so. But in all seriousness, we should never forget people like her or others, no matter what party affiliation. If we do, others will rise to  power and make the same mistakes.

Our idea is rather than tear down statues, many who have artistic value besides historical value, we should teach our current and future generations about the racist past of these individuals represented in statue form. We believe that next to each statue in the capital and other locations around the country, perhaps a bronze plaque could be erected right next to it describing a historical narrative about the wrong done by each person represented. They could be called out in a historical factual basis rather than something with opinion. We could simply state for example that Jefferson Davis (one of the statues slated for removal) was a slave owner and that He remained unrepentant until his death. He believed that slaves were “fitted expressly for servitude”.

Rather than tear down these statues, a new historical fact sheet should be visible to help people understand the horrors that many of these people caused. Rather than erase history, let us recall it and debate the facts. For the time period, these individuals were popular. It does not mean they were right in what they did or how they acted but we evolve. We provided freedom for the blacks and we should educate our citizens and future generations on how this happened. If that part of our history, although it was horrible, we chance that people will forget and will repeat. Lets never forget so it does not happen again, EVER!

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