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Seattle Politicians Exposed For Their Racism By Pushing Out Black Female Police Chief

Seattle Politicians Exposed For Their Racism By Pushing Out Black Female Police Chief

How often have we heard the hypocritical left politicians and celebs call Donald Trump a misogynist and a racist yet we see time and time again that they are the true racists and woman haters.  Case in point, Seattle politicians have voted to de-fund the police rather than back up their first black female police chief. While trying to pander to BLM and Antifa for votes, they turned on one of the most prominent female black law enforcement leaders in the nation.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best has announced that she will retire from the Seattle Police Department, effective September 2. In an email to the Seattle Police Department at 9:32 PM, Best announced, “This was a difficult decision for me, but when it’s time, it’s time. I want to thank Mayor Durkan for her continuous support through good times and tough times. I am confident the department will make it through these difficult times. You truly are the best police department in the country, and please trust me when I say, the vast majority of people in Seattle support you and appreciate you.” She also stated that she looks forward to seeing “how this department moves forward through the process of re-envisioning public safety.”

She noticeably took a swipe at Democrat Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and the city council for de-funding the police by stating that a majority of Seattle supports the PD.  While Durkan and the city council try to pander for votes by those who scream the loudest, she turned on the very people who she is trying to say she supports, police officers of color and women. As Seattle continues to spiral out of control, we here at America Against Hollywood applaud Police Chief Carmen Best for jumping ship while she can and still showing support for those who want to remain behind.

Mayor Jenny Durkan issued a lame statement praised Carmen for her work while trying to state that she understood why she retired. She further tried to say that Carmen’s retirement was an effort by Carmen to change the dynamic of the police and the city council. Wrong, she retired because she was not supported by either the mayor or the council.

We don’t like to see ill will come to any American city but we know that the city will spiral further out of control now that they have neutered the police essentially getting ride of the entire department. Keep watching what socialism will do to your community if your community elects similar democrats this fall.


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