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Taxpayers Foot The Bill for Tyranny in Seattle

Taxpayers Foot The Bill for Tyranny in Seattle

Taxpayers just can’t win in Seattle. It does not matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, if you live in Seattle, your going to pay big time. Not only is there a mass exodus of tax paying businesses, but the tax paying residents are also leaving Seattle. On top of that, for those businesses who are staying, they will have no taxable business to report as business has been all together eliminated due to the protesters.  We reported recently how the liberal actions of a lawless mayor have contributed to the exodus which you can read more by clicking the link. Now we are seeing that not only are businesses who are critical to the tax base are leaving in droves but now they are even suing the city of Seattle as well. Either way, the city is going to lose money faster than you can say CHOP. Lawsuits are flooding the system from business owners to hold the mayor and council accountable. Not only that but one of  several victims of violence within CHOP where the warlord over the zone has forbidden police to enter, is ironically suing the city because the police did not respond quick  enough when he was shot. Yep you heard that right.

Now many businesses  are suing the city for lack of police protection, loss of business by allowing protesters to block access to customers and damage to property while the  mayor allowed lawlessness to run rampant. Among the business, an auto repair shop, a tattoo business and a property management company are just a few to join the suit. Additionally, citizens are joining the suit as well.

The lawsuit filings state “This lawsuit is about the constitutional and other legal rights of plaintiffs – businesses, employees and residents in and around CHOP – which have been overrun by the city of Seattle’s unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services and inaccessible to the public at large”. In addition, the lawsuit mentions that the lawless zone allowed by the mayor has hurt the elderly and disabled the most during the takeover.

Furthermore those who have joined the lawsuit mention how the local leaders provided barriers, public restrooms and medical supplies to the anarchists. As a result,  businesses, employees and residents where unable to reach their homes or businesses and lost income as a result.


Calfo Eakes LLP, the law firm representing the plaintiffs released a statement. “There is no public safety presence. Police officers will not enter the area unless it is a life-or-death situation, and even in those situations, the response is delayed and muted, if it comes at all. The result of the City’s actions has been lawlessness”

Either way, the citizens and business of Seattle who remain behind will owe millions of dollars when the lawsuits and damages are calculated. But they should not complain, after all they are the ones who voted in the mayor and council. There is an old adage that American voters get what they deserve because of who they put in office. Maybe they will remember in November and #WalkAway from the socialist democrat party like so many other Americans are.

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