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The Tide is Turning in California!

The Tide is Turning in California!

California is known for its vast beauty of being a coastal state that stretches along most of the Western U.S. However, for the last 20 years or so, they have been known as one of the most extreme liberal states in the country. We have seen the socialistic policies drive hundreds of thousands of liberals into other states to escape the high tax rates and crazy liberal agenda. However, there is a spark of hope. Many Californians are now waking up to those policies and beginning to put their foot down. The have seen how far left their state has gone and ventured so deep into socialism like no other western country.

This past week, Republican Mike Garcia won a special election to congress. He was able to flip a heavily democratic area into voting Republican. Historically, the last time a Republican flipped a democrat seat in CA was back in the mid 1990’s. He was able to pull off an enormous feat. Most exit interviews showed that voters have had enough of socialism in their state. The are tired of recent antics such as Gavin Newsome’s attempting to give stimulus money to illegal aliens as millions of legal Americans have lost their jobs.

Garcia won the seat against extreme liberal Christy Smith that belonged to disgraced Katie Hill who had to resign from her seat after leaked online pictures exposed a relationship with one of her female congressional staffers. An ethics investigation was started and therefore she resigned. Many people think her resignation was just about a consensual relationship with another woman but it was much more than that. In a congress controlled by democrats, they too thought her relationship with someone who worked for her was inappropriate. Sources say there was much more to be exposed before she resigned and the investigation therefore ended.

Garcia was able to not only flip but was able to win BIG! He pulled off a landslide victory of over 12 points over his extreme liberal opponent. If this is any indication of what might unfold in November, the democrats are in for a huge surprise. We here at America Against Hollywood would like to thank the voters of district 25 who helped Garcia pull off the defeat of the year and bring balance of power back to California.

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