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Virginia Governor Northam Joins NRA Advertising Team

Virginia Governor Northam Joins NRA Advertising Team

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

Governor Ralph Northam has joined the NRA Advertising team. Well, he might as well have joined the advertising team. You see, his radical movement to grab guns from law abiding citizens, has skyrocketed gun and ammo sales. Additionally, membership to the NRA has also increased.

Radical Ralph may not be a celebrity yet but is on his way to becoming one. He certainly qualifies for the walk of shame here on America Against Hollywood. Those inside the state of Virginia know who he is but those outside the state are just getting to know him and his sinister plan to quash the 2nd Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. The Governor is even going after the first amendment by attempting to prevent the right of Virginians to peacefully speak and protest his gun grabbing laws. It is so Ironic that the Gov depends on armed security to protect him as well as he uses his right to free speech to promote his radical agenda yet he wants to take these same freedoms away from everyone else but him.

With the extremely horrible mass gun shootings in recent years, it has caused a “Chicken Little Effect” where people are running around saying “guns kill!” like Chicken Little screaming “The sky is falling”. I think every American agrees that the shootings are a major travesty. However, we should not have a knee jerk reaction and take away guns from law abiding citizens. Case in point, guns were used by law abiding citizens, like Jack Wilson, to stop a church mass shooter in Texas back in December (2019). Had Ralph Northam been the Governor of Texas, those citizens might not have been able to carry guns which saved so many lives that day. They immediately gunned down the culprit in 30 seconds flat.

In the master plan of Socialist Saul Alinsky who inspired such Saul cult followers as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, no tragedy should go unnoticed but rather it should be used politically to move the radical liberal movement forward. You also see this same tactic in many socialist countries or those with dictatorships. They use tragedy to scare the citizens into giving up their freedoms for the supposed greater good of safety. However, it is a way to squash government dissenters and take their freedoms away.

In line with using tragedy to scare the people of Virginia, Ralph and his democrat lead state legislature, are secretly working to increase big government, take away constitutional rights, and suppress freedom.

Not everyone owns a gun, but we should never forget the intention of the second amendment of our
incredible living and breathing constitution that our founding fathers had the foresight to include. Our founding fathers came from suppressive governments that did not allow for free speech, forced you to follow their religion and made it difficult to own any form of arms to protect themselves. Mainly, when we fought to break free from England, it was essential to have every American citizen armed. It still is important today.

We may not have to worry about England anymore, but we do have to worry about our own
government turning socialist or into a dictatorship. We also must worry about dangerous criminals or mass shooters. Just look at Venezuela. The citizens once had the right to bear arms like America, but dictators like Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro have slowly taken the freedom away from the citizens. Furthermore, once they added a super majority of their own party members to the government, they actually rewrote the constitution of their country to take away even more freedoms. Don’t think it can happen here in America? Think again! It’s happening in Virginia as we speak. Thankfully the people are beginning to wake up and are peacefully fighting back against the Governor and his lock step assembly.

Thank goodness our supreme court has continuously backed gun rights and the second amendment.
More importantly, it has been backed by both liberal and conservative justices throughout the years.
However, that could someday change if a Socialist like Bernie Sanders is elected. They start small with taking away freedoms but eventually, if they stack the court with justices who do not follow the
constitution but rather progressively try to change the government, it is possible that Americans could lose their 2nd amendment rights.

In the meantime, out of touch politicians who are trying to eliminate the constitutional rights of
Americans are seeing back lash. Not only are voices starting to speak up, but he is causing gun sales to shoot through the roof. Many gun stores are seeing massive gun sales increase as a result. According to SpecDive gun store owner Jerry Rapp, who was interviewed by, his store had the largest holiday season sales ever, up by over 200%. He continued by saying that every time someone tries to limit gun rights, like Obama did previously, sales jump higher and higher.

Additionally, people are paying cash therefore there is no paper trail for Northam to follow. Without him going door to door for illegal search and seizures (which is also protected by our constitution), there is no way he can enforce his new laws. Eventually this will end up in two places. The ballot box and the Supreme court. The people of Virginia will eventually determine weather the want to oust the Governor and the state assembly members who support him, during the next election cycle or not. However, depending if Virginians support or not, it will ultimately be decided by the supreme court. Currently, there are more constitutionalists on the court than not. Therefore, the laws will be overturned.

With all of the gun sales increasing so massively, Governor Ralph Northam has done more good for gun store owners and the NRA than any advertising campaign could. As long as this story is in the news cycle, it will only help guns sales and NRA membership increase day by day even more.

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