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Democrats Have Hoodwinked Americans – Learn The Facts

Democrats Have Hoodwinked Americans – Learn The Facts

Democrats will have you believe that they are the champions of Civil Rights. However, Congressional vote totals per capita tell a different story that Republicans overwhelmingly supported Civil Rights over Democrats beginning with the Emancipation Proclamation and through 6 major Civil Rights Acts starting in 1863 through the mother of all Civil Rights Acts 1964.

The following article contains FACTS that cannot be disputed on the Civil Rights movement that has been a part of our political stage since before the Civil War. We will dive deep into the numbers to help prove Republicans have been consistently for civil  rights while the democrats have fought it tooth and nail. The democrats use to openly embrace slavery, the KKK, segregation, eugenics through aborting black babies, incarceration of black men and much much more. On the other hand, Republicans have fought to free the slaves, squash the KKK, end segregation, stop abortions, provide citizenship to slaves, allow blacks to vote and most recently, criminal  justice reform, pull blacks back into the highest employment ever recorded (pre Covid), fund inner city revitalization and fund historically black colleges.

Of course there have been bad apples on both sides of the isle but here are the statistics that prove Republicans are the party for black lives. Somehow in the 1970’s, the democrats began to hide their racist history and reformed their outer image. They have rewrote history and helped brainwash the American people that they are not racists. They have even verbally flipped the narrative that the Republicans are those who are anti-black and causing harm. They have been very successful in switching the narrative. The Republicans have been weak on defending themselves for many years so it helped the public perception that they are really the best supporters of the black community. We here at America Against Hollywood put together this article in an effort to remind Americans that history cannot be re-written. The facts speak for themselves. Please remember this when voting this November.

The following is a breakdown of legislation including Republican votes versus Democrat votes per capita of available elected position votes

Note: Per Capita is defined as the number of votes by either party affiliation in comparison to the total
allowable votes. In other words, sometimes Democrats control both houses and sometimes Republicans
control both houses. In those cases, you can only consider the possible amount of votes any given party
can possibly vote.
Using 1964 as an example. If there are 253 Democrats elected out of 431 possible elected positions, the
Democrats in this case cannot tally more than 253 votes as the remainder votes belong to the
Republican Party. Conversely, Republicans cannot vote more 178 votes. Therefore, you must take the
total votes provided by either party divided by the possible votes by either party to develop a per capita
voting percentage.

Lets begin with the most obvious. Freeing the slaves was pushed hard by Republican president Abraham Lincoln. So hard in fact, he lost his life at the hands of democrat assassins.

Emancipation Proclamation was passed January 1 st , 1863 by a majority Republican Congress and
Republican Senate and signed into law by Republican President Abraham Lincoln.
Sources: Wikipedia, and
Additional link:


1866 Civil Rights Act The very first U.S. Civil Rights Act ever, the 1866 Civil Rights Act was written by Republican Senator
Lyman Trumbull (R-IL). Republican support was nearly unanimous but Democrats were unanimously
opposed. Additionally, the Democratic President, Andrew Johnson who replaced Abraham Lincoln after
his death, vetoed this bill. It most notably provided U.S. citizenship to all African Americans and provided
“full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and property as is enjoyed
by white citizens”. This was also the first time that Congress overrode a presidential veto of a significant
bill (221 – 41 along party lines Republican versus Democrat respectively). It also provided African
Americans with the right to own property, engage in business, sign contracts and file lawsuits.
Vote breakdown of 1866 Civil Rights Act S 61, which was vetoed by Democratic President Andrew
Johnson. There were 48 total Senate votes possible for 39 st congress. Note: quite a few states had not
yet been admitted to the U.S. at this benchmark.

Senate Presidential override votes:
33 Yea (Unanimous Republican), 15 Nay (Unanimous Democrat) out of 48 possible Senate Votes.
– Of 65 percent of the total vote, Dems voted 59 percent for passing civil rights and voted 40
percent against (including present and not voting which is essentially a no vote).
Summary: Republicans voted 100 % in favor of passing the Civil Rights Bill of 1960 and 0 % voting
against. In contrast, Democrats voted 0 % in favor of passing and voted largely 100 % against the bill.
Republicans voted 100 percent more in favor of the bill and dissented 22 percent less than the
Democrats. This bill would have never passed without such a strong majority of supporting votes. It was
also a Republican president who signed the bill into law.

The 15th Amendment 1870 which prohibits the federal and state government from denying a citizen the
right to vote based on race and color. It was signed into law with a Republican House and Senate almost
unanimously and signed into law by Republican President Ulysses S. Grant. All Democrats voted against.



Civil Rights Act of 1875 Vote breakdown of Civil Rights Act of 1875 H.R 1293 (AKA the Enforcement Act), the act was
introduced by a Republican senator, passed by a Republican lead congress, a Republican lead Senate and
signed into law by a Republican President Ulysses S. Grant. There were 431 total votes possible for 41 st
congress. Most notably, the Republicans lost control of both houses the same year and passed this
legislation through a Lame Duck Session. It would have failed once the Democrats took control as it was
highly unpopular.
This act provided protection for African Americans and was drafted by Republican Charles Sumner (not to be confused with Democrat Charles Shummer who is the senate minority leader currently today) and
African American Law Professor at John Mercer Langston. The act that was way ahead of its time for
Civil Rights was hugely unpopular with the public, news publications and Democratic lawmakers
Summary: Republicans controlled house and Senate voted to pass the bill with the Democrats voting
against. In the House of Representatives, the Bill passed along party lines unanimously 133-39. It was
then signed into law by a Republican president.

1957 Civil Rights Act Vote breakdown of 1957 Civil Rights Act H.R. 6127 (passing amended senate bill) for final singing by
Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower. There were 434 total votes possible for 86 th congress.
Democratic Senate Majority leader, Lyndon Johnson, realized the vote could tear his party apart. He
sent the bill to Southern State Democratic Committee leaders to water the bill down in hopes it would
pass. The bill passed overall by Republicans over Democrats by a large margin.
Additionally, a then Democratic Senator lead the longest one-person filibuster in Senate history against
the vote which was 24 hours and 18 minutes long.
Democrat votes: 119 Yea, 107 Nay, 4 Present, 5 not voting = 235 (55 total percent control of votes)
– Of 65 percent of the total vote, Dems voted 51 percent for passing civil rights and voted 49
percent against (including present and not voting which is essentially a no vote).
Republicans votes: 167 Yea, 19 Nay, 5 Present, 8 not voting = 199 (45 total percent control of the votes)
– Of 35 percent of the total vote, Republicans voted 83 percent for passing civil rights and voted
16 percent against (including present and not voting which is essentially a no vote).

Summary: Republicans voted 83 % in favor of passing the Civil Rights Bill of 1960 and only voted 16 %
voting against. In contrast, Democrats voted only 51 % in favor of passing and voted largely 49 percent
against the bill. Republicans voted 32 percent more in favor of the bill and dissented 33 percent less
than the Democrats. This bill would have never passed without such a strong majority of supporting
votes. It was also a Republican president who signed the bill into law.

1960 Civil Rights Act Vote breakdown of 1960 Civil Rights Act H.R. 8601 (passing amended senate bill) for final singing of
Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower. There were 431 total votes possible for 86 th congress. The
Civil Rights Act of 1960 also established the Civil Rights Commission, Republicans still supported Civil
Rights over Democrats per capita.
Democrat votes: 165 Yea, 82 Nay, 13 Present, 18 not voting = 278 (65 total percent control of votes)
– Of 65 percent of the total vote, Dems voted 59 percent for passing civil rights and voted 40
percent against (including present and not voting which is essentially a no vote).
Republicans votes: 123 Yea, 12 Nay, 12 Present, 4 not voting = 151 (35 total percent control of the
– Of 35 percent of the total vote, Republicans voted 81 percent for passing civil rights and voted
18 percent against (including present and not voting which is essentially a no vote).
Summary: Republicans voted 81 % in favor of passing the Civil Rights Bill of 1960 and only voted 18 %
voting against. In contrast, Democrats voted only 60 % in favor of passing and voted largely 40 percent
against the bill. Republicans voted 22 percent more in favor of the bill and dissented 22 percent less
than the Democrats. This bill would have never passed without such a strong majority of supporting
votes. It was also a Republican president who signed the bill into law.

1964 Civil Rights Act Vote breakdown of 1964 Civil Rights Act H.R. 7152 (passing amended senate bill) for final singing of President Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson. There were 431 total votes possible for 88th congress.
Democrat votes: 153 Yea, 91 Nay, 2 Present, 7 not voting = 253 (59 total percent control of votes)
– Of 59 percent of the total vote, Dems voted 60 percent for passing civil rights and voted 40
percent against (including present and not voting which is essentially a no vote).
Republicans votes: 136 Yea, 35 Nay, 2 Present, 5 not voting = 178 (41 total percent control of the votes)
– Of 41 percent of the total vote, Republicans voted 76 percent for passing civil rights and voted
23 percent against (including present and not voting which is essentially a no vote).
Summary: Republicans voted 76 % in favor of passing the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 and only voted 23 %
voting against. In contrast, Democrats voted only 60 % in favor of passing and voted a whopping 40
percent against the bill. Republicans voted 16 percent more in favor of the bill and dissented 17 percent
less than the Democrats. This bill would have never passed without such a strong majority of supporting


Then we move into the modern era. The democrat presidential nominee, Joe Biden has regularly used the N word. Since he was elected to congress over 50 years ago, he has supported segregation, preventing busing black students to better schools and most importantly, wrote the 1994 crime bill which was supported mostly by democrats and has incarcerated more black men than any other bill in history. It was also signed into law by democrat president Bill Clinton. Even his wife, first lady, NY senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called blacks “Super Predators” when trying to sound tough on crime. Keep in mind, both Hillary and Bill did not support gay marriage which is now considered the civil rights fight for the 21st century. We will talk more about that under President Obama’s presidency.

Barack Obama who was the first half black president elected to office, had a super majority for 2 years of his presidency and did nothing to reform black incarceration. For those of you who do not know what a supper majority is, it is a rare occurrence where a party has a significant majority and can pass legislation easily without anyone stopping them. If another party were to take over after any legislation passed, it would take an equal amount of votes to overturn which is nearly impossible. A super majority has only occurred a couple of times in our history. Obama did nothing for the black community under this rare opportunity. Even after he lost his super majority, he still had a majority for an additional 4 years of his presidency and still did nothing for the black community. As a matter of fact, African Americans lost more jobs under his watch than any other point since WWII. He is also often credited for helping the gay community obtain the right to marry. However, he did not sign any legislation into law or work with congress to push this freedom. Instead, he let the Supreme Court decide and celebrated the win only after it passed. It is note worthy to mention that the Supreme Court who passed this freedom was made up of a majority of Republicans.

Finally we move to our current environment. Under President Trump, black unemployment (including Hispanic and Chinese and other minorities) had the highest job creation in recorded history. Trump pushed and passed funding for Historically Black Colleges and inner city revitalization funding. He also pushed and passed Criminal  Justice Reform. He was able to do it in less than 3 years in office and Obama was never able to  pass in his 8 years in office. President Trump has hired more women,  more people of color and even promoted the first highest openly gay official to a cabinet position, Rick Grenell to acting Director of National Intelligence. Trump also was able to get Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court who in turn has hired an entirely female staff. Even Democrat Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg has praised him for doing so.

When Trump entered office, many people of color, religions and sexual orientation followed on his coat tails. He has endorsed many and worked with them closely. He has hired several women to his cabinet and staff. He has hired many people of color to his cabinet as well. He has broken records for many of his appointments. All along, the democrats have “called” him racist without any facts. They believe if it is said often enough, people will start to believe. It has worked. However, people are now waking up after seeing the facts and realizing he is anything but a racist. In fact, he has helped people of color as well as all Americans more than any other president.

So next time you hear a democrat call a Republican a racist, you know the opposite is true. Remember in November.

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