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The Biden Campaign Will Have You Believe He Is Innocent Of Sexual Assault Charges….There is just one BIG problem.

The Biden Campaign Will Have You Believe He Is Innocent Of Sexual Assault Charges….There is just one BIG problem.

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

The Biden campaign and his liberal celebrity supporters will have you believe that he is innocent of sexual assault charges made by Tara Reade….There is just one BIG problem.

Joe Biden has consistently been accused of being just down right creepy. As many people now refer to him as “Creepy Uncle Joe” or as one of our favorite YouTubers, BCP (Black Conservative Patriot) calls him “Handsy Grabby Uncle Joe”. He got that name over the years because he has been consistantly caught on camera at press conferences, events and speeches where he man handles women like they are his toys. You will see episodes where he smells women’s hair, hugs from behind and he even kissed his own grand daughter directly on the lips during a Iowa campaign rally. Awkward to say the least.

If you notice, many women “tolerated” these misogynistic gestures but most were unwanted sexual advances. In other words, they were sexual asault plain and simple even though many of those victims never pressed any criminal charges. Many tolerated the inappropriate touching because they share the same political party as Biden. Many others know the former VP could end their career in a flash if they publicly objected. However, one just has to look at the women’s faces and know they did not want to be touched by this creep. He has even been caught on camera in appropriately hitting on the wives of husbands while they were giving speeches at the podium.

However, many supporters like Nancy Pelosi and sexual predator enabler Hillary Clinton, have said Tara Reade’s recent sexual assault claim are fabricated and not to be believed. They stand by the very man that they loath to hate as feminists. Those type of mean who keep women below the glass ceilings they set and objectify them as sexual objects. Heck, Hugh Hefner is more of a feminist than these Pelosi or Clinton.

We here at thought our readers might like to know that there are actually more than 8 sexual abuse victims who have come forward to make accusations against Joe Biden now. Tara is not the only one. We would like to ask the feminists of the world, how many victims will need to come forward before you believe them? Does it need to be as many as Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein?


Lucy Flores

Last year, former Nevada lieutenant governor nominee Lucy Flores alleged that Biden “smelled her hair and gave her “a big slow kiss” on the back of her head at an event for her 2014 campaign. She said “I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me”. Biden later apologized if it went beyond her comfort zone by saying it was a misunderstanding.

Amy Lappos

Former aide to house of representatives, Jim Himes, Amy Lappos, alleged that in in 2009 “Biden touched and rubbed his nose against hers during a political fund-raiser” “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.”

She felt like so many victims do and chose not to come forward with a complaint because “He was the vice president … I was a nobody.”

DJ Hill and Caitlyn Caruso

Writer DJ Hill and Caitlyn Caruso were two women to come forward with allegations published in The New York Times NYT  “At a 2012 at a fundraising event in Minneapolis, Hill mentioned that Biden rested his hand on her shoulder, and then started to move it down her back, which left her feeling ” very uncomfortable.” She continued “If something makes you feel uncomfortable, you have to feel able to say it.”

Caitlyn Caruso told the New York Times Biden hugged her “just a little bit too long” and laid his hand on her thigh after she shared a story of alleged sexual assault. She told the NYT team “It doesn’t even really cross your mind that such a person would dare perpetuate harm like that” Caruso said. “These are supposed to be people you can trust.”

Ally Coll

Democratic staffer Ally Coll told The Washington Post that at a 2008 reception, Biden “squeezed her shoulders, complimented her smile, and held her “for a beat too long”   She continued by stating, “There’s been a lack of understanding about the way that power can turn something that might seem innocuous into something that can make somebody feel uncomfortable.”

Sofie Karasek

Sexual assault survivor Sofie Karasek says Biden violated her personal space in 2016 when he held her hands and touched his forehead to hers at the Oscars, a moment captured by photographers and praised in the media.

“He emphasized that he wants to connect with people and, of course, that’s important” Karasek told The Washington Post. “But again, all of our interactions and friendships are a two-way street … Too often it doesn’t matter how the woman feels about it or they just assume that they’re fine with it.”

Vail Kohnert-Yount

Vail Kohnert-Yount alleged that when she was a White House intern in the spring of 2013, Biden “put his hand on the back of her head and pressed his forehead to her forehead” when he introduced himself, and that he called her a “pretty girl”. “She was “so shocked” she said “it was hard to focus on what he was saying.” She continued to add ” it’s the kind of inappropriate behavior that makes many women feel uncomfortable and unequal in the workplace.”

Eva Murry

Eva Murry has come forward to say that in 2008, when she was only 14 years old, complimented the size of her breasts at the First State Gridiron Dinner & Show which is a political roast held yearly.

When introduced to Biden “he quickly turned to me and asked how old I was” Murry told Law&Crime in a recent interview. She continued “I replied with my age and he replied with the comment “Fourteen? You’re very well endowed for 14!” “I was confused but it was definitely weird, he looked me up and down and hovered his eyes on my chest so I had some clue the notion of his comment but didn’t fully understand at the time”. “We quickly separated from his area after the encounter.”


So we here at America Against Hollywood want to know when the so called, faux feminists will finally stand up and believe the victims of Biden’s unwanted assaults? Especially before the off chance he might actually be elected and will therefore be “untouchable” for crimes as president!

By the way, where is Jill in all of this? Is she staying silent because she is possibly being considered as Joe’s VP running mate? Sounds shocking but you heard it here first that it is a strong possibility. He could step down once elected for “medical reasons” and then ensure she is the first woman president (and also totally unqualified) is put into office against the voters will.


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