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U.S. Senate Candidate Daniel McCarthy “Destroys” Martha McSally and Mark Kelly

U.S. Senate Candidate Daniel McCarthy Takes On Martha McSally and Mark Kelly In Candid Interview

We here at recently had the opportunity to sit down with Daniel McCarthy who is running for the U.S. Senate seat from Arizona. He is in a primary against Martha McSally and one in turn will go up against Mark Kelly in November. We believe that the establishment has hidden Daniel from mainstream media for over a year. He however has a grass roots following that is hoping to propel him to the U.S. senate. It will be a tough battle to beat two candidates who were anointed their positions by the establishment of both parties but that is not discouraging Daniel. We believe after hearing Daniel speak on all the current hot topics, you will switch your vote and support for him. He has a lot to say and is full of great ideas.

Some may discount Daniel’s chances, but to those, we ask that you please listen to his conversation and his answers to some very tough questions from our audience. Also, keep in mind that Lauren Boebert, who was considered a long shot in Colorado’s Republican primary for a U.S. house seat (3rd District), beat 5 term incumbent candidate, Scott Tipton. The district is heavily red so it is almost for certain, she will win the general and head to Washington. Also, another long shot candidate, Donald Trump sits in the oval office today.

Daniel is already a success story. He is a self made business man who runs a million dollar company. He never saw himself in politics but he said he had to step up to help save the country we know and love and all our freedoms. He stands tough on many ideas and we believe that he has a long life ahead of him in politics.

Watch our interview at our Youtube Channel.

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