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Clint Eastwood Receives Walk of Shame Award for endorsing Bloomberg

Clint Eastwood Receives Walk of Shame Award for endorsing Bloomberg

Is Clint showing early signs of dementia?

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

The winner of this week’s Walk of Shame Award goes to Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood who is known for his support of conservatives has suddenly endorsed democrat “Mini Mike Bloomberg” for president. Although we are huge fans of Clint for not only his work as an actor and director, we must award him this week’s “Walk of Shame” award. He so far is the only celebrity who has won both the Gold Star and the Walk of Shame awards.

Good news for Clint is that he has won the Gold Star Award twice, so we forgive him for his lapse in judgment this week when he endorsed “Mini Mike”. Does Clint not recall that Mike is a fake Republican who only joined the Republican party to ride the coat tails of very popular Mayor Rudy Giuliani? Does Clint not recall that Bloomberg quickly changed parties after winning Mayor to Independent and now switching again to Democrat? Mike is about as sturdy as a mobile home in a tornado. He bends any direction he believes the public opinion might blow.

Clint really should reconsider. Now we are finding that Mike Bloomberg has many NDA’s (non-disclosure agreements) signed with many people, especially  women. Many women are starting to come forward accusing him of harassment as well. Now we are finding that taped recordings are being released where Mike shows his racism card. On top of that, he was the one who promoted the racist “Stop and Frisk” program that targeted minorities.

One tape exposes comments Bloomberg made about farmers and factory workers. In 2016, Mike spoke at Oxford University and said “I could teach anybody, even people in this room, no offense intended, to be a farmer. It’s a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn”. Billionaire “Mini Mike” is so out off touch with mainstream America, it is hard to understand why Eastwood would endorse. Furthermore, Bloomberg is attacking the very audience that supports Eastwood the most.

Another video he claims 95% of your murders, murderers and murder victims, fits one MO (modus operandi). You can take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male minorities, 16 to 25. Its true in New York, that’s true in virtually every city.” Mike continued to further elaborate “And the way you get the guns out of the kids’ hands is to throw them up against the walls and frisk them”. Note that he does not simply state stop and frisk, he condones roughing up citizens that are innocent until proven guilty, against walls. Does Eastwood agree with this racist statement? He recently directed the movie Richard Jewell about a man who was falsely railroaded as the Centennial Olympic Park bomber in 1996 and then later proven innocent. Sure sounds like racist Mike is falsely blaming all murders on minorities males and saying most crime only occurs in minority neighborhoods. We know that murders occur in all races and all areas of the community. Funny how the Democratic party attracts racists such as Mike Bloomberg.

Clint, for your act of endorsing such hypocritical character as Mike Bloomberg for president, we give you this week’s “Walk of Shame” award. We are hoping the more the media exposes Mike’s true colors, you will change your mind though and rescind your endorsement of “Mini Mike”.

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