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Trump Withdraws U.S. From WHO

Trump Withdraws U.S. From WHO

The White House officially announced Monday that they will be withdraw from the World Health Organization also known as WHO. In response to WHO becoming a propaganda mouth piece for communist China, he is announcing that the U.S. will be leaving. The process takes up to a year so the official date will not be until July 2021. However the wheels are in motion along with de-funding already started back in April.

WHO has come under fire for early statements backing China that the virus would not become an epidemic. They also enabled China to  prevent any other country from coming in to the country to help in the earlier  stages. Due to the cover up, the virus has spread to all countries and taken many lives. Also, the money has been squandered by staffers for years. In 2018, nearly $192 million was spend on travel by staffers. That was down by 4 percent from 2017. The organization has gone rouge with spending and accountability. Staffers traveled first class as well as stayed at high end hotels. The staff of WHO have also been accused of crimes while helping in other countries.

Not only that but the money they do receive mostly goes to the organizations administration side. The full funding rarely reaches the intended people as needed.

The U.S. has been the biggest funder of WHO and other countries do not even come close to the amount of money that the U.S.  provides.  The United States provides $237 million through dues to the organization and provides an additional  $656 million voluntarily. China the next biggest funders are the private Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with $531 million. The UK comes in at $392 million.

However, China who let the virus spread to other countries provides only a measly $57 million. For the second largest economy in the world they are not even close to paying their fair share. When Trump cut back on funding in April, China did provide a gift of $30 million but even with that, they do not come close to any other major contributor.

The left, China and Russia have all criticized Trump for withdrawing. Ironic that the left who says that Trump is in China’s pocket or is Russia’s puppet, side with both of those countries rather than support Trump. Oh the irony. Now we know who the real backers of Russia and China are.

Russia contributes a lousy $12 million.They are even beat by Canada at $12 million, Brazil at $14 million, Germany at $29 million and Japan at $41 million. The U.S. is not the financial purse to the world. Trump is right in withdrawing. Other countries need to pay their fair share, especially China.

Not only that, but China and WHO conspired with misinformation downplaying the Covid virus that has taken so many lives. They did not even offer a sample so the genome could be mapped. It took another country to do that because they had samples already. China and WHO have destroyed documents and refused other countries to  enter and help diffuse the situation. Trump was right in leaving the organization. It does not mean that the U.S. will stop helping health initiatives around the world but rather we can now cut out the corrupt middleman WHO.  We can now go directly to those in need.

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