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Walk of Shame: “IT” Clown Kathy Griffin Tries for Another 15 min of Fame

Walk of Shame: “IT” Clown Kathy Griffin Tries for Another 15 min of Fame

Whines that President Trump is responsible for her hospital stay.

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

I don’t know what is more scary, The clown from the movie “IT” or seeing Kathy Griffin without make up. Yikes! On Wednesday, Kathy Griffin took to social media to call President Trump a liar for statements made about Coronavirus testing. President Trump has stated that America has now tested more people with Coronavirus symptoms than South Korea. That is factually true. In eight days, America (as of Wednesday) has tested as 433,545 people according to COVID Tracking Project but it is unknown where they receive that estimate from as the U.S. does not submit figures to that site. They claim it comes directly from health organizations at the state and federal levels along with news sources. However, to point out again, the U.S. government does not release numbers directly to this site so it is safe to say they are relying on hearsay. I’ll explain more on why that is important in a moment. South Korea however has tested 360.000 tests over a 8 week time span according to the same sources. Whether you agree with the numbers or not, you can say that is impressive to issue that many tests in just 8 days.

This is why why this is important. Now the fake news media is looking for ways to discredit Trump by twisting the numbers. They argue that per capita, America has tested much less. But they are forgetting that they have been testing for just 8 days. If you calculate the figures to match South Korea per capita, it will just take another week or so for the U.S. to surpass that milestone. If you allow for 8 weeks like it has taken in South Korea, the numbers will most likely be 10 times that of the tests issued in South Korea and growing each additional day. They also forget that the Coronavirus just hit the U.S. Places like South Korea and China have been hit as early as December. These numbers that attempt to discredit Trump are based on hearsay and not official numbers. Even the per capita math figures are not calculated correctly as they should include time frames. For example, China did not start testing until they could not longer deny and epidemic to the rest of the world and entire cities were quarantined.

So back to Kathy who is seeking another 15 minutes of fame. Here at America Against Hollywood we are embarrassed to add additional minutes to her fame but we could not resist exposing her fake lies within her posts. She said she was suffering from “Unbearably Painful” symptoms but in reality he only unbearable pain is that Americans have to once again see her without makeup. However, we digress.

According to her posts, she went to urgent care on Wednesday and she describes that she was transferred to a Coronavirus wing at a hospital after feeling growing pain. Extreme pain however is not a typical symptom other than muscle aches similar to the flu but lets say we give her the benefit of the doubt. We should also mention here that Kathy has not been confirmed that she indeed has the Coronavirus. We would also like to point out the ignorance of Kathy obviously did not practice social distancing which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been promoting since 2005 for other epidemic such as H1N1 and the flu. It just makes sense to stay away from those who are sick. At the very least,, the CDC has been stressing social distancing intensively during this current epidemic since February. Is Trump to blame for her ignorance in not following CDC guidelines or federal law during a pandemic?

Kathy’s story also does not make sense on many levels. She states she was transferred from urgent care to a Coronavirus wing at a hospital. Anyone who has followed the news lately knows that you are simply not transferred. Additionally, any medical expert will also tell you that patients are definitely are not admitted to Coronavirus designated areas of any hospital without first being confirmed and additionally showing signs of symptom trauma. Many patients are simply told to go home to self quarantine after being prescribed medications. In other words, unless you are on your death bed, your not being admitted to the hospital Coronavirus sanctioned areas. On top of that, patients must go through a rigorous sanitation along with health professionals outside of the hospitals. Just drive by any hospital near you and see the giant tents that have been erected for sanitation.

It is our guess here that Kathy is either suffering from chest pains or anxiety. We don’t want to seem heartless and ignore her symptoms of whatever she is suffering but they don’t add up to Cornovirus. Furthermore we wonder how Kathy was able to obtain a room by herself when apparently hospital beds are filled to the max. Talk about white celebrity privilege. Also, hospital doctors and staff would not admit someone to a quarantined Coronavirus section with out testing first. They would expose their entity to malpractice suits galore if a person tested negative and was sent to an area designated to Coronavirus patients. So Kathy has stated that Trump is not being honest about testing availability. She claims the hospital denied her any testing due to White House guidelines. If that was true, it was because the hospital is trying to apply tests to those who only exhibit true Coronavirus symptoms to prevent unnecessary testing. We here at America Against Hollywood believe that Kathy is looking for another 15 minutes of fame for her already dead and buried career or she is simply a hypochondriac. We will issue a partial appology if she does eventually test positive for Coronavirus but we will not apologize for her stupidity of not practicing social distancing in the first place or using social media to resurrect her career at the expense of those truly suffering from Coronavirus or who have lost a loved one to it.

For her latest failing publicity stunt and her self promoting selfie, America Against Hollywood awards her this weeks Walk of Shame Award.



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