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Action = Reaction: Democrat New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Awarded Walk of Shame Award

Action = Reaction: Democrat New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Awarded Walk of Shame Award

We would like to introduce a new column called “Action = Reaction” which will almost always fall under the Walk of Shame Award. Over the years we have had many celebs and politicians push for crazy new laws or restrictions that limit the freedom of all Americans. That is, they limit everyone except for those who write and push for the new laws. In other words, we see insane laws or restrictions put in place by those in power and often pushed by celebs. However, they end up being caught in “do as I say but not as I do” moments.

Usually they have an ulterior motive when pushing a certain political agenda. Their push is considered an “action”. However, those in power never consider what the “reaction” will be to their new law or restriction. For example, how many times have you seen a celeb or politician push for the Green New Deal yet they are flying around in their jets? How many celebs who live in drought ridden California work around the states water restrictions and live on acres upon acres of exotically landscaped property? How many celebs have told us “we are in it together” during the Covid pandemic yet post videos telling us to stay home but they live in mansions that are the size of most high end resorts and have all the same amenities? No wonder it is easy for them to stay at home with built in water slides, movie theaters, home gyms, vast square footage so they don’t have to be confined in close proximity with their family.

We here at America Against Hollywood are sick and tired of the hypocrisy. We are also tired of liberal politicians who issue draconian orders that make absolutely no sense, not based off of any scientific evidence. Most importantly, they do not consider what the reaction might be to their actions.

During the Covid pandemic, we have witnessed liberal politicians like NY’s Cuomo and CA’s Newsome (and some Rhino conservatives like Doug Doucey of AZ) issue orders in their states that are reminiscent of Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Nazi Germany. All three governors and many more have issued restrictions and orders that are not science based yet are tyrannical. It strips the freedoms of the people that are rightly protected under the constitution. We are now seeing the people rise up and take these authoritarians to court and many cases are now being won. Many judges are agreeing that such restrictions are in fact unconstitutional and overturning orders issued by these govenors. We would like to also point out that for every action there is a reaction. Many of these politicians are now seeing push back by the people and also seeing bigger issues arise because of their actions.

This week we would like to bring to your attention of orders issued in New Jersey that have backfired because they simply did not think of the consequences. New Jersey and also Arizona decided to close parks even though there is no evidence that closing parks will help lower infection rates of Covid. It is all based on assumptions only and not science based. Both NJ and AZ have since reopened parks due to citizens fighting back but for some insane reason, they decided to keep the restrooms closed. One does not need a crystal ball to see that this is going to cause a major reaction.

What is proven is that breathing fresh air and getting vitamin D from the sun will help combat virus’s and improve peoples immunity. Sunlight also kills virus’s almost immediately. Therefore it is common sense that anything outdoors would help people during this pandemic along with social distancing and practicing good hygiene.

Democrat New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy obviously was in such a rush to  jump on the “close everything down” bandwagon that he did not consider the benefits of being outdoors on his citizens health. He also did not anticipate the people pushing back when he ordered people to stay at home and threatened arrest if they did not comply. He then caved to the people by opening up parks but kept the restrooms closed for some insane reason. But in another lack of judgment, he did not foresee the many thousands of people who would head to the opened up parks that there would be a need for people to use the restrooms. As a  result, the people are defecating an urinating wherever they can. It would be commons sense to most people that restrooms are essential for the health and safety of people. Did this governor not pass history in high school? Did he not recall that Europe’s massive plague casualties were spurred on by the fact that citizens often tossed their chamber pot water (toilet water) directly into the streets? Does Murphy not understand that human excrement and urine is a breading ground for disease? When Europe banned disposing of human waste in the streets, cleaned up their cities and installed plumbing, the disease almost stopped overnight. Wouldn’t it be less of a risk to the safety of the people of his state if they could flush their waste down into a sewer for treatment. Anyone with a brain would realize that there is more risk for disease spread by having human waste anywhere but in a toilet.

The Gov is also discriminating against American Disabilities Act by preventing access to restrooms for those who are handicap or suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or urinary issues such as prostrate enlargement or those with colostomy bags. Now it seems he is using his Orwellian authority to threaten people for arrest if they defecate in public rather than just open the damned restrooms. Gov Murphy issued a threat this week by saying “you’re not going to get a warning if we catch you.” In other words, he will jail citizens. He furthermore threatened to close the parks again.

We at America Against Hollywood wonder why governor simply does not open the restrooms. He could additionally add protection from Covid by hiring many of his states massive unemployed workers to help clean and monitor the bathrooms to prevent the spread. It would protect the public from further spread of Covid and end public urination and excrement offenses.

For governor Murphy’s lack of judgment we award him this weeks Walk  of Shame Award.

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