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Did Dr. Evil Clone Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Greta Thunberg?

Did Dr. Evil Clone Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Greta Thunberg?

What do Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Greta Thunberg have in common? The both want to take away peoples freedom. It is almost like they were an experiment conducted by Dr. Evil and recently released to take over the world. It sounds like a sequel good enough for Austin Powers to take on. One is a Mini-clone of the other but both are experiments that totally failed. We here at America Against Hollywood are unsure witch is a clone of witch (pun intended). Both are evil characters but could be easily defeated by Austin Powers himself.

Lets take a look and compare the two. Both look eerily the same physically. They look like the perfect white privileged spawn of satin that one would see in the the movie Omen but both are bumbling idiots so they would be better cast in Austin Powers 4. They both rose to power but have no expertise or previous experience. They both are too young and immature to know how to tell others what to do or be true leaders. Both want to implement their plan to gain more power and rule over others to help push their socialist agenda. Both ignore science and facts when pushing their agenda. Both are Manchurian prototypes that the hidden powers that be are pushing into stardom (perhaps Obama, Sorros or Hillary?).

Greta Thunberg has proven she is no threat yet as when she is not scripted by her parents, she falls apart and cannot take the pressure of not having a contrived speech to act out. However, Gov Whitmer, she is a true villain that Hitler would envy. She has banned travel between two residences, gardening supply sales, Hydroxychloroquine (which she now is begging Trump to send to her state), barbershops and doctor visits.

The people of Michigan are not waiting for Austin Powers to save them, they are taking things into their own hands through protests and law suits. A group of doctors and patients are suing Gretchen over her shut down orders. Her own predictions anticipated that there would be 200,000 or more patients hospitalized by Covid but only 2000 have been admitted so far and the numbers are dropping. The curve is now shortened but hospitals and doctors are losing $300,000 per week due to Gov Whitmer’s order banning what she deems as non essential medical procedures per Michigan Health and Hospital Association. It is also an evil plan by Whitmer to thin the heard of her state to gain more control over her minions.

Now she has gone after threats to her empire such as barbers and the elderly or in some cases both with one stone. Case in point, she went after defiant 77-year old barber, Karl Manke, who just might be Austin Powers in one of his many disguises. Manke is defying her executive orders to keep his business closed and is backed by a large growing support of other business and citizens in his state. He was taken to court by the Gov Whitmer who asked a judge to order Manke to close his doors. The judge refused stating it was unconstitutional. Then, Whitmer unleashed her storm troopers at the Department of Health. The ordered him to close and he refused to comply. Finally, her battle droids at the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs enforced Whitmer’s threats by closing him down.

When asked about Manke defying her Nazi like orders, Whitmer responded, “I expect people to follow the law (for the better of the 4th Reich or Galactic Empire?). These executive orders are not a suggestion. They’re not optional. They’re not helpful hints.”

There is just one major problem with her statement, executive orders are not law. Laws need to be passed by her state legislature first. But the Michigan’s heroic legislature is looking for ways to overturn her powers as we speak. 

Another extreme evil tactic is to release inmates in her state. They would help her with her diabolical plan to take over the world. You can be a rapist, thief, child molester, illegal alien, a drunk and let go but you can’t be a barber or you will be thrown in jail and the key lost forever. Next stop, she will aim to become Biden’s VP choice. Biden better not leave her alone near his food or drink or he may become a casualty that even Hillary Clinton would be envious of.

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