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Gold Star Award: Trina – TNT In The Morning Show (Miami)

Gold Star Award: Trina – TNT In The Morning Show (Miami)

We here at call out hypocritical celebrities whether they are widely known or not. We cover them if they are small town local celebrities to full fledged global celebrities. We will review them if they are actors, musicians, politicians,  singers,  athletes, authors, media personalities or anyone who simply is a celebrity. Our site is based on the mission statement that we will go after celebrities if they are hypocritical. It does not matter their political affiliation for the most part but we often find that liberals are the most hypocritical in our current society. They often tell the citizens of the world how we should act or live or lives but they do not practice what they preach.

However, sometimes we see celebrities practice exactly what they preach. Therefore, we created the Gold Star Award to honor them. This week, we honor a celebrity radio personality simply known as “Trina” out of Miami.

She like so  many Americans understand what occurred in Minnesota was very very tragic. George Floyd’s life was unconscionably taken by a rouge cop. He had no right to be judge and jury and take a persons life, especially for such a petty  crime that started it all. Trina also understands that a human life once taken, cannot be undone. However,  she does not understand why rioters of all races are tearing down black communities.

On her show, she quarrels with Trick her co-host. He tries to spew the typical fact-less narrative that rioters have the right to be mad and burn cities down. However she does not let him interrupt her.  She tells him its not OK for rioters to burn down black  owned business or even business owned by other races who black rely on to shop. For example, now that grocery stores in the area are burned, they community has nowhere to buy food. In our other article on Whoopi Goldberg, she also brings up the point that pharmacies are being looted and burned. The very people who live in the community rely on those to live.

She talks about one of her friends who is black, had her store burned down. Her co-host, Trick asks if her friend has insurance. She replies yes but she has no other money and what is her friend to do while her claim is being processed by the Insurance company. She continues that her friend also had her business closed for several months due to Covid and lost a great amount of money. Two things this idiot is not even considering is will the claim even be approved?  Another think is does he not realize that the insurance rates will go up? This innocent store owner will now have to pay more for insurance coverage going forward. We would like to add, how is this store owner to feed her family, pay her bills, save for a rainy day fund if her store is burned down to the ground. It will take years for her to bounce back if even she is ever able to reopen. He also does not understand that all insurance rates go up, not just the client. The insurance companies are not paying out of their own pocket for these types of claims. His mindset is that the insurance industry or the government will take care of her. That is the problem with the government always bailing out people in that they become reliant on it.

She also brings up that although what this evil cop did, what about the other crimes committed such as black on black crime which far out paces unarmed blacks killed by cops. See our other story where the Washington Post reveals statistics that only 10 (which is still too many) unarmed blacks where killed by police in 2019. It is not nearly as prevalent as black on black crime. In 2019, Chicago alone had 490 murders. So Trina is right to bring this up. Where are the outraged voices over this type of crime? Where is the looting or burning of neighborhoods to protest black on black crime? There should be no looting, rioting, killing or burning of neighborhoods over police brutally or black on black murders. That is because it only hurts the black community even more.

For her standing up and calling out the looters, we award her the Gold Star Award. Although she issued a partial apology, we hope that she continues to speak up. Who knows, she could be the next Candace Owens or Diamond and Silk.


You can listen to her great conversation here.


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