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Walk of Shame Award Goes to Jeff Bezos and With Flying Colors!

Walk of Shame Award Goes to Jeff Bezos and With Flying Colors!

If your like most Americans, your probably a Amazon Prime member or at least have shopped the site. Jeff Bezos built an empire off of Amazon and is now the richest man in the world valued at $112 billion and owns one of the largest retailers in the world among other ventures. He is on fast track to becoming perhaps the first trillionaire in the future.

If you have popped on to Amazon this week, you will see that there is a banner that touts “Black Lives Matter”. To us at we believe it is a marketing ploy. Otherwise, if he truly believed in those words, he would not pay his workers so low. He would have more black executives working for his company. The list goes on and on as to why he is a hypocrite. However, a few brave people have started calling him out on it. One such person is known only as “Macy” who brilliantly called out Bezo’s ploy. She pointed out, why not say “All lives Matter”? Here is her message to Bezos.

“It is quite disturbing to get on the AMAZON website and see “BLACK LIVES MATTER.”

You provide services to more than millions of people. Including my self and the rest of my family for our business needs and personal purchases. I am for everyone voicing their opinions and standing up for what you believe in, but for your company to blast this on your website is very offensive to me and I’m sure you’ll be hearing from others. ALL LIVES MATTER!


He responded to her email via Instagram and stated the following:

“No , Macy, I have to disagree with you. “Black lives matter” doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter. Black lives matter speaks to racism and the disproportionate risk that Black people face in our law enforcement and justice system. I have a 20-year-old son, and I simply don’t worry that he might be chocked to death while being detained one day. It’s not something I worry about. Black parent can’t say the same.

None of this is intended to  dismiss or minimize the very real worries you or anyone else might have in their own life,  but I  want  you to know I support  this movement that we see happening all  around us, and my stance won’t change.

My sincere very best to you. 


He missed her entire point as well has he was very condescending and dismissive to her. She is not asking him to change his stance. She agrees that blacks and all other races lives matter. What she does not agree with is Jeff’s pandering marketing ploy. However, we would like to  expose this hypocrite further. His very own liberal rag, the Washington Post debunked the narrative that unarmed blacks are lost to police brutality more than any other race. Before we get to that, please consider the following. If one goes off of population percentages, Blacks only account for 12.4% of the U.S. population. What about the other percentages, American Indian, Asian, Hispanic, European, ETC. Not to discount blacks by any means but shouldn’t the lives of the entire population of the U.S. or even the world matter? You bet they do!

The WaPo posted an article after viewing factual statistics on unarmed blacks killed by police officers. It completely tears down the narrative that Bezos,  the media and so many others are trying to push.

Per WaPo’s research, in 2019 there were 1004 killings reported on official record in the U.S., Of those killings, approximately 802 shootings occurred where race of the suspect and the police officer was noted in the official reports. Of 371 that were killed where white, 236 were black for a total of 607. the remaining numbers were of other ethnic backgrounds (but not to be discounted by any means).

According to the Washington Post, of all those deaths, there were 10 cases in the entire U.S. last year where unarmed African Americans were fatally shot by police. Yes that is 10 too many but all in all that is a very small amount. If you do the math, there are just over 325 million people in the U.S., the 10 deaths on record come in at a minuscule 0.00000003 of a percent of the overall  population. You read that right, that is 7 zeros. Again, not to discount any deaths but what about the other ethnicities involved? So base on Jeff’s theory and his own WaPo research team, shouldn’t all lives matter?

It is worth mentioning that of the 10 deaths, in 2 of those cases, the officer was criminally charged and sentenced. The other cases are still pending or have been closed.

With Jeff Besoz’s lame attempt at marketing to  the black community and pushing a false narrative, we a award him this weeks Walk of Shame Award. We also would like for you to read our article on why we awarded Candace Owens the Gold Star Award as she explains even more statistics that prove the narrative that blacks are killed by police more than any other race.

Special note by the author: Before anyone sends hate comments, please be aware that we are multi racial here at America Against Hollywood. We have an equal voice as well and this is not a white supremacist post by any means. I for one will be deleting my Amazon prime account and taking my business to mom and pop shops to help make our voice heard. Until such pandering stops and we as Americans are treated all as equal by Amazon and others. We can only hope that the government breaks up the Bezos monopoly before it gets even bigger.


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