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Walk of Shame Award: Americans Have Never Heard of Z actor (Not even a B actor) Actor Michael Rapaport.

Walk of Shame Award: Americans Have Never Heard of Z actor (Not even a B actor) Actor Michael Rapaport.

But apparently he knows how to run the country as he attacks Trump through vile posts.

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

President Trump and First Lady Melania have been attacked by Liberal Hollywood yet again. Both have been criticized by Actor Michael Rapaport’s vile social media posts. Who is actor Michael Rapaport? Exactly! He is such an unknown that we had to look him up on IMDB (Internet Movie Database). He is not even a B list actor, he is more like a Z list actor.

Michael has been a Z actor his whole career. You might remember is non-staring roles and walk on extra roles in such memorable films as Poetic Justice (dockworker), Fresh Prince of Bell Air (Mike), Doctor Doolittle 2 (racoon), Mad TV (Clark Gable who must be spinning in his grave), Kiss of the Damned, Sully (Bartender) and Chuck (Don Wepner).

He also apparently has to resort to doing voice overs for video games such as Grand Theft Auto III (yup not even the first installment but third game installment), Don’t Quit Your Day Job and Saints Row and NBA 2k19 (coach).

Do you remember any of these memorable roles? Neither do we here at America Against Hollywood. I would say most Americans probably remember B movie Actress Shannon Tweed for her soft core movies in the 80’s more than Michael.

Anyway, we digress. Michael has called first lady Melania a “dumb FKC” and dumb animal”(that hit hard right? LOL) after she did a public service announcement reminding Americans to follow CDC guidelines on social distancing, self quarantine and hand washing.

Then he also goes after Trump for his efforts to deal with the Caronavirus. His vile rant is full of vulgarity in which he makes a sailor look like a monk, he attempts to bash Trump only to have it back fire. Twitter users have slammed Michael over and over. However, do you ever notice these liberal celebs who claim to be “tolerant” never back up their argument with facts or even tolerance for that matter? It is always name calling. We here at America Against Hollywood call them out for their hypocrisy. We have learned to use their tactics against them by using adjectives to describe these out of touch loons. However, we always back up with facts. Facts win over name calling any day. If your like us, you are tired of these so called tolerant Hollywood elitists that tell us how to act but do not lead by example.

For Michael and his very bad movie rolls as well as his rants against the President and First Lady, we award him this weeks Walk of Shame Award. Again, another liberal Hollywood hypocrite who talks sh*t about others but does not lead by example. He does not volunteer or donate money to help during this epidemic. Just opens his trap and spews hatred. Join us in the fight against these Intolerant Hollywood (Z)actors by liking, commenting and sharing this article to your friends. Also look for us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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