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Americans Give a Giant FU to Liberal Politicians Taking Away Freedoms

Americans Give a Giant FU to Liberal Politicians Taking Away Freedoms

Over the 4th of July weekend, Americans fed up with liberal governors and mayors who believe they are dictators, stood up to them. First we hear about Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer labeling U.S. flags as non-essential and having stores rope off areas that sold them, now we had California Gavin Newsome  and others ordering citizens to not celebrate the 4th of July. Both know that any sign of patriotism might be a sign of support for President Trump. They will do anything to stop it.

When confronted, Whitmer changed course and said it was not flags per say but the areas that they are sold in that should be considered non-essential. Really? Last week, Gavin Newsome tried the same stunt by saying he only said that large gatherings on the 4th should be eliminated and that fireworks were dangerous rather than restricting Californians from celebrating the holiday. Really?

Well across the nation we witnessed patriotism like never before. In L.A. which is typically a democratic strong hold, the people shot off more fireworks than any planned fireworks show in history. It went on for days and hours. In many cities across the nation, there are reports of the same. In New York, fireworks have been going off for weeks.  It is believed it is a revolt of citizens who are fed up with the quarantine lock down and also being told what to do. You see, Americans don’t like when their freedoms are taken away. They are unlike any other country in the world. We simply won’t stand by as freedoms are eroded. The biggest culprits of freedom loss are Liberal Governors and Mayors who want to stick it to Trump by keeping the economy closed. With a death rate of .1 percent, the remaining 99 percent of the country on lock-down are fed up.

We here at do not want to overlook the .1 percent tragic death rate but it is only slightly higher than heavy flu seasons in the past. Most people were willing to go on lock-down to help stop Covid but when jobs started to be lost and bills needed to be paid, they do not believe that 99 percent of the country should be on lock down. Conversely, as a result of the lock-down, there are many other deaths that have occured. The murder rate, rapes, domestic violence, child abuse, robberies, vandalism, beatings, suicides, drugs and alcohol abuse have all skyrocketed due to the lock-down.

Americans are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. If July 4th is any indication, there is a huge movement to revolt against the liberal dictatorships. City after city we say patriotism on steroids. It was an amazing statement by the American people.

Check out this video below captured by KTLA in Los Angeles. We think you will have hope for our country.



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