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Clint Eastwood Ignores Alyssa Milano…Like The Rest of Us

American Icon himself, Clint Eastwood, is planning to film his latest venture, The Ballad of Richard Jewell in the now controversial Georgia.

This, of course, making headlines due to the 50 Hollywood elite, lead by Alyssa Milano, who signed a petition boycotting the state after the “heartbeat bill” was signed into law. This law will ban abortions as soon as a fetal heartbeat can be detected, or at about six weeks.

Georgia, which benefits from the third largest film industry in the country, could hurt economically by people across the country disagreeing with their law.

Yet, Eastwood apparently didn’t get Milano’s texts since his movie takes place in Atlanta for the 96 Olympics. This has royally ticked off supporters of the boycott, who have said they will do everything in their power to end productions in the state, day-to-day operations people be damned.

The movie is starring Olivia Wilde, Jon Hamm, Sam Rockwell, and Kathy Bates, all of whom have yet to comment on working in such a boycott-able wasteland, but I’m sure they signed on with full knowledge that the Queen of the Hollywood bubble wouldn’t be happy.

Oh well!

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