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Trump Derangement Syndrome Boomerangs Yet Again

Trump Derangement Syndrome Boomerangs Yet Again

It seems so crazy in today’s times. We see case after case where liberal celebrities and politicians go after Trump and it boomerangs back to bite them. Some of the most memorable examples were like the time Kathy Griffin decided to sever a Trump look alike head and it killed her career. Recently, we have people like Alyssa Milano who has called Trump a racist over and over yet footage was unearthed where she appeared in black face. She dug herself deeper saying it was making fun of MTV’s real world cast member Snooki (aka Nicole Elizabeth LaValle) and her “tan”. She must have ignorantly assumed Snooki was Italian or white but in reality, Snooki is Chilean. She was born in Santiago Chile and has Chilean DNA. You can read our report here.

Now we have another group of boomerang victims. This time, it is a group of Rino’s (republican in name only) who have formed two new super PAC’s (political action committees) to defeat Trump. One is named the Lincoln Project and the other is Right Side. Both have intentions to defeat Trump and convince republicans to vote for Biden. With a 95% approval rating among republicans, they are pissing into the wind.

However, these individuals were never republicans. We will talk about the Lincoln Project first. You have most likely heard of a few of the members like George Conway (husband of Kelly Ann Conway who is a member of the Trump admin). Some of the other founders are Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, Jennifer Horn and Rick Wilson. Weaver oversaw the McCain losing presidential campaign of 2000. Schmidt ran John McCain’s 2008 losing campaign. In other words, they helped McCain get defeated by double digits in a landslide. What makes them think they are going to be successful at running a PAC? If any indication of their recently exposed hypocrisy means anything, these super PAC’s will have no impact.

First there is wide spread reports that donations to the PAC are going towards the salaries or businesses of each of the leaders. The groups released financials show that over 90% of the money donated has gone to businesses and groups directly tied to the members of The Lincoln Project. Then this week, one of President Donald Trump’s biggest critics was exposed to have more Russian ties than they accuse Trump of having (even though Trumps ties have been proven as false).
Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver, the top strategist for John Kasich’s failed presidential campaign in 2016, has registered as a foreign agent for Russia and plans to lobby against potential sanctions on Russia. It is note worthy that Kasich is also a never Trump who has endorsed Biden but has yet to join the Lincoln Project.
Weaver signed a contract last month to lobby on behalf of the Tenam Corporation, a subsidiary of Rosatom, the Russian state-owned nuclear energy company. Weaver will lobby Congress and the Trump administration on “sanctions or other restrictions in the area of atomic (nuclear) energy, trade or cooperation involving in any way the Russian Federation,” according to a disclosure filing. The six-month contract is worth $350,000, plus expenses, with an option to extend if necessary. “Time is of the essence in the Agreement,” the contract reads, according to a copy filed with the Justice Department. Weaver later cancelled the contract when it was made public and reported on, which is highly suspicious.
Ironically, the Lincoln Project is trying to associate Trump with Russia but it is they who are tied to Russia.
Now the co-founder of Right Side PAC, Matt Borges, was arrested on conspiracy to commit racketeering on Tuesday. According to the federal complaint filed, he along with four other people that were charged, they accepted $60 million in bribe money to secure FirstEnergy Corp. a bailout of $13 Billion through a bill that was passed in the Ohio state legislature. Borges played a role in helping to circumvent allowing Ohio residents a chance to vote on the proposed bill.  Not only that, he tried to offer paying a FBI undercover informant, for information on the referendum campaign. He also was recorded as threatening the informant to not leak that he had been paid by saying he would blow up the informant’s home if anyone ever found out.

The boomerang of Trump Derangement Syndrome sure does come back around and hits hard. Ironic isn’t it? It just goes to show, those who protest the most are typically hiding something themselves. We here at love when celebrity or politicians hypocrisies are exposed. Who’s next?

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