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Clint Eastwood’s Richard Jewell is a Gem of a movie

Clint Eastwood’s Richard Jewell is a Gem of a movie

Calling out “Fake News” like a Boss

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

For decades, Clint Eastwood has brought us great acting and great movies as a director. However, Richard Jewell is perhaps one of his best politically.

It attacks “fake news” to its core along with certain American’s that are quick to issue a verdict before someone is even proven guilty. One such American was the leader at the time, Bill Clinton.

As a refresher, Richard Jewell was the main suspect in the Atlanta Centennial Olympic Park bombings back in 1996. He worked as a security guard he discovered a suspicious bag at a concert being held. He was immediately hailed as a hero after an evacuation saved many lives. In the bag was three pipe bombs that eventually went off and did hurt some bystanders but the no loss of life. Many other people escaped any injury at all due to his heroics.

Richard Jewell was considered by many to be odd in taking his job in security so seriously and therefore immediately became the lead suspect by an overzealous Clinton FBI department that wanted to solve and close the case quickly to not impact the Olympics. Clinton wanted the case solved quickly as to prevent the American Olympics not being viewed as unsafe and a failure across the world.

The news media was also quick to convict Richard as the bomber as well. Both the Clinton FBI and the fake media quickly took advantage of the quirky Jewell who willingly helped try to solve the case by participating in interviews. The FBI took it one step further by taping a naive Jewell saying the same anonymous message that the real bomber left on a 911 call. The asked Richard to say the message over and over in the hopes they could get a similar sounding recording to implicate him further.

The movie is a masterpiece although it is low budget. Clint Eastwood’s style exactly. He usually comes in way under budget, wraps the shoot quickly and produces amazing results. Of course, the media was quick to slam the movie in its reviews. That is because they were guilty and exposed during the movie by trying to frame a man who was later cleared of all charges after the real bomber was apprehended. Sound familiar? This happened recently with our own President, Donald Trump. Some of the very same fake news media outlets that tried to pin the bombing on Richard Jewel back in 1996 are the same ones who have been trying to convict Trump for colluding with Russia, using quid pro quo with the Ukraine, and many other crimes which have all been disproven.

After a three-year investigation, Trump was cleared by the Muller report which investigated Russian collusion. However, Muller did try to imply there was something to it but could not come up with anything illegal. However, now the tables have turned, and it was proven that several “deep staters” who despised Trump and his Whitehouse win, where behind the whole accusation. Furthermore, the documentation that was used, the Steele Dossier, was paid for by his opponent, Hillary Clinton and the DNC (Democratic National Committee). Additionally, several intel sources here in the U.S. and from other countries, quickly discredited the author of the Dossier.

Clint could brilliantly see the parallel of 1996 to Trumps situation today. He calls out both the media, the intel agencies and politicians for their quick to convict mentality of those who are later proven innocent.

The movie could not be timelier. For this masterpiece of a movie pointing out how much of a threat that the fake news media, deep state political figures and intel agencies quick to solve crimes under pressure from those above, can be to our democracy.

The cast was wonderful as well. Eastwood has a great ability to cast the perfect actors for his movies. The actor who plays Jewell, Paul Walter, is amazing in his role. He has the mannerisms down to a art. Kathy Bates who plays Jewell’s mother, gives an Oscar worthy performance. Although anything tide to conservative Eastwood will most likely no longer receive any Academy Awards as he voices his conservatism.

The movie shows the toll on Richard Jewell, his mother and his friends. It most likely caused Richard’s early death as well. We should all learn from this and never repeat. The often say learn from our past as to not repeat history. We here at America Against Hollywood think that Clint Eastwood deserves our Gold Star award for helping us all remember history and learn from its mistakes.


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