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Hillary Clinton, the most important feminist of our time?

Hillary Clinton the most important feminist of our time?

By Dave Jeffers AAH contributor

Guess who is thinking of running for president? Could it be the self-proclaimed most important feminist of our time? If your guess is Hillary Clinton, you win the prize.

Hillary Clinton seems to have a master plan of joining the race for the democratic to nomination for
president. Her plan is brilliant. She knows she lost the last elections electoral count by a landslide. She knows that she was caught scheming with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to bury Bernie Sanders with the help of Debbie Wassermann Schultz and Donna Brazil thanks to released emails from Wikileaks. She knows she will do anything to win, including letting those ambassadors and staff in Benghazi die as collateral damage to help ensure her legacy is not exposed. She knows she cannot debate at all. So, what is her brilliant plan you ask? Simple, she is considering joining the nomination race late. This way, the over 30 democrats vying for the nomination who are following the actual DNC rules will fight each other until they are all out of the race except for a few. Then she can jump in with money that has not been depleted fighting others, no battle wounds from other dems during debates and an image that is more centrist that the
extreme socialist in her party.

The closest centrists she has are Joe Biden and Tulsi Gabbard. Joe will eliminate himself with all his gaffs. Tulsi though is a serious threat. She is more centered than Hillary, no ethical problems in her past and viewed by many as much more attractive and youthful (even Bill would agree). Why do you think that she recently has gone after Tulsi calling her a “Russian Asset” which is ironic since she worked with the DNC to create the now debunked Russian Dossier and also sold off much our Uranium mining by hitting the “reset” button with Russia. Thank goodness that Tulsi has more of a spine that Bernie by suing Hillary for defamation. If she were like Bernie, she would lose her spine and endorse Hillary after finding out Hillary was stabbing her in the back for the nomination. If you don’t recall what I am talking about, Bernie endorsed Hillary even though the wiki leaks documents showed that she worked with the DNC to derail his campaign. She even came out again last week to criticize Bernie again to derail his campaign a second time. The only way to stop her defamation is for someone with integrity like Tulsi, to actually sue Hillary and expose her. The sad thing is, the case will most likely go before a Clinton or Obama appointed judge and will get dismissed. Chalk up another example of Hillary being a strong feminist by attacking other women and tearing them down.

But Hillary’s saving grace, if she does enter, will be that all the other dems didn’t smell the evil lurking and attacked each other rather than Hillary so they will fall one by one out of the race. Brilliant!

The only way Hillary does not enter the race is if her ego finally realizes through the pressure of close allies that she does not stand a chance. Furthermore, her ego will realize that donations are simply not coming her way which is needed to survive an expensive race. Not even her foundation will be able to save her as that is drying up faster than cracked earth during a drought. Oh, she will still have an ego but she will blame others for being against women rather than own up to her own character flaws causing her downfall.

The history of Hillary as a feminist is laughable at best. At campaign rallies she would speak out for the right for women to be heard when accusing men of rape, trying her best to latch onto the “me too” movement. Really that believe of hers only applies to women accusing Republican men of rape though.

You see, when women accused her husband of rape back before he was even governor of Arkansas, she immediately dismissed them rather than listen to them. She even went as far as hiring staff to dig up dirt on each accuser to discredit them. A practice that still occurs to this day. Then she associated herself with the likes of Harvey Weinstein only because he was a powerful Hollywood player and offered her millions to her campaigns as well as expand her circle of powerful connections and donors. “Besties” Hillary and Harvey (or should it be “Beasties”) hung out together religiously for many many years. At one time, Harvey was the king of Tinseltown. Every celeb and politician tried to vie for his friendship and influence. Hillary was always front and center doing the same.  Now they are all running from him due to rape accusations by many powerful women in Hollywood that ignited the “me too” movement. All are fleeing from him except one individual. That individual probably benefited from him the most without actually having to sleep with him. I am gouging my eyes out at the picture of that.

That individual is Hillary Clinton the modern-day self-described feminist of our time. However, this so- called feminist who is possibly gearing up for another presidential run, is actually an enabler to all of those individuals in her life who treat women the worst. Most notably, her husband, former President Bill Clinton who has been accused of rape by many women. She even tried to discredit Monica Lewinsky after she admitted to having consensual sex with Bill. She also associates herself with Harvey Weinstein who has been accused of raping over 80 women and still more are coming forward. Furthermore, she was great friends with Jeffry Epstein who flew her husband to his “pedophile island”. She also joined a total of six times and said nothing about the underage women running about the island. She even associated herself with millionaire democratic mega donor Ed Buck who is being accused of several suspicious overdose deaths of men at his home. Although the victims are black men, a real feminist would distance herself from this monster by issuing a strong public statement and condemn Mr. Buck. Instead she quietly lurks in the background trying to avoid public association with him.

This week, Hillary even defended her association with Harvey Weinstein in an interview with the
Hollywood Reporter by saying “how could we have known?” Well my answer to that is the rumors have been around for the last 20 or more years so you must have been aware. Many celebrates often talked about the issue either as gossip or firsthand experience. The American people simply don’t by that she never knew. She just turned the other cheek like she did with her husband.

A real feminist would stand up for women regardless of race or political affiliation and listen to those who accuse men of rape or harassment. A true feminist would also not use people for collateral damage just to move herself up the ladder in hopes of shattering the glass ceiling. A authentic feminist is one who will fight for all rights for both men and women. Not one who tears down other women or even men like she did to Bernie Sanders by saying “nobody likes” Bernie. Especially after she worked behind the scenes to eliminate him as a nominee contender. She even was pointed out for her hypocrisy of paying her female 2016 campaign workers and those who worked for the Clinton foundation far less than men. This is often disputed but one point to be made is that she selected a male, Robby Mook, to lead her campaign as manager. In fact, most of her lead campaign team were men. This is not to say that men should not be hired, but her actions speak louder than her speeches. You cant simply give a speech about Women’s rights, you have to lead by example.

A leader in feminism will win on merits and accomplishments, not by tearing down others. Just because you refuse your husbands last name does not make you a women’s rights advocate. So, to all those Hillary supporters out there, I ask, do you still believe Hillary is the Feminist of our time?

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